350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Estimation of mutual influence of radiators of the antenna lattice
A.V. Zelenkov, S.V. Kulikov, I.V. Chebotar, V.V. Utkin
The article is about the way of modeling and its basic results of mutual influence of elements of an antenna lattice depending on the distance between them and the length of a wave of a probing signal. The analyses of the results of modeling have shown that when the distance between the radiators is being increased of active and reactive components of their input resistance is harmoniously fading. When the length of a wave of a probing signal is being increased and the distance between the radiators is being unchanged the mutual influence of their input resistance becomes stronger. The account of mutual influence of radiators in the antenna lattice for defining the parameters and the structure of the correlating SHF devices will allow raising the degree of coordination of radiators of the antenna lattice with a line of transfer, thus making it possible to lower losses of energy of a probing signal.
Pages: 27-30
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