350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Bidirectional searching of the shortest ways in the fragments transition graph of continuous correcting codes
A.P. Ratoushin, Е.V. Rachinsky
Gradual thickening of correcting code designs of satellite communication systems signals does actual a problem of modernisation their technical analysis automated means spent in the conditions of a priori uncertainty. In the conditions of erroneous discrete sequence symbols presence there is priority use of statistical analysis methods. The existing approach to detection and parametres definition of such continuous codes as convolution codes and convolution turbocodes, using construction of the finite oriented fragments transition graph of a code for restoration of its parametres, possesses the raised computing complexity. In paper principles of graph construction are described and the method of bidirectional search of the shortest ways in the graph is presented, ensuring reduction of computing expenditures at restoration of a code generating matrix. Use of the offered method allows to reduce temporary expenditures to the engineering analysis of discrete sequences with continuous coding.
Pages: 23-26
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