350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Analysis of the parameters of low-speed speech coders in conditions of structural and parametrical uncertainty
D.I. Timofeev, D.A. Tavalinsky, D.N. Chubaty
Currently the existing and future digital transmission systems relevant is the problem of efficient (compact) representation of voice messages. The most widely used system of voice, use low-speed coders. In conditions of structural and parametric uncertainty, due to the increasing number of algorithms, complicated task of analyzing the parameters of low-rate coders of speech necessary for the subsequent decoding of speech signals. Presented in the article analyzes the parameters of the low-speed coders of speech, based on the calculation of the autocorrelation function and the coefficients of redundancy, can solve the problem of determining the length and structure of the frame coding method, and the detection of parameters that can be used as distinctive features to identify subscribers.
Pages: 4-9
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