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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
V.N. Nikiforov, S.E. Vinogradov, A.V. Ivanov
Due to the high HIV viruses - mutability the statistical characteristics - the average size and size dispersion - play an important role in the identification of metrology and certification of cultural strains of the virus. Optical methods in virtue of the known limitations (diffraction limit) in the nano-size region cannot be directly used for the study of viruses. To measure the size of nanoparticles using the method of laser spectroscopy (or dynamic light scattering), which allows the identification of objects with dimensions on the order of nanometers.
We used the culture strain of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) H9/IIIB. Lines were obtained from cell culture collections: ATCC, Institute of Cytology RAS (St. Petersburg) and Institute of Virology RAMS (Moscow). The studies were conducted on a laser dynamic light scattering spectrometer - COURSE - 3?. In the experiment provided to study HIV - virus in the cultural liquid by laser correlation spectroscopy technique was demonstrated, what HIV-virus in the form of colonyes (agglomerates) wich radius from 120 nm to 390 nm is. The use of ultrasound allowed distinguishes the fraction (85% by weight) particles with a diameter of 72 nm, corresponding to the HIV - virus.
Pages: 77-80
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