350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
N.A. Yashtulov
The unique properties of the porous silicon (PS) open up the possibility for developing of electrocatalytic composites with the highly-developed active area (more than 400 m2/g) and for the directed control of catalyst formation in the structuring porous matrix with the controllable sizes and shape. The low-power electric sources of the new generation for electronics compatible with the silicon microchips are constructed on the base of catalytic PS composites. The use of catalysts in the form of nano-sized particles increase their effectiveness and decrease their consumption, that is especially important in case of the metals of platinum group.
The developing of FC is considered as one of the principal technological areas of XXI century energetic industry. The performance index of the direct transformation of the chemical energy to the electric energy in the cells achieves 50 - 70 %. The fuel in the PSbased FC is hydrogen or methanol, ethanol, formic acid,
whereas the oxidant is the air´s oxygen. The reaction products are either H2O or H2O with CO2. In the inner circuitry, the ionic electrolyte conductor should provide the ion transportation and the separation of the fuelreductant and the oxidant. In the modern lowtemperature FCs the proton-exchange membranes are usually utilized as electrolytes. These membranes with the thickness lower than 0.2 mm are prepared from perfluorinated ion-exchange polymer possessing protonic conductivity. For the enhancement of the effectiveness of FC operation the development of catalytically active electrodes for the anode and cathode reactions is needed. In this work nanocomposites of platinum and palladium on porous silicon developed are the efficient provided electrodes for portable fuel cells in radioelectronics.
Pages: 44-47
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