350 rub

Journal Science Intensive Technologies №5 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
L. S. Odintsov
Power pulse generators of high frequency (HF) signals with high stability of frequency and phase are widely used in modern radiolocation and linear charged particles accelerators [1,2]. Pulsing voltage reducing of high-voltage power sources of pulse modulators (PM) of generators output stage provide increasing of HF signals stability [3]. PM with oscillating resonance charge through storage-driver (SD) diode and full discharge of SD are used often in such devices.
Several current and voltage charge approximations, dynamic frequency characteristic (DFC) of non-linear charging circuit (CC) and proportion for input voltage pulsation on output PM spectrum reduction estimation is resulted on basis of disturbance and attenuation infinitesimality (δ) owned against pulsation of forced frequency (μ) and relative pulse amplitude (ε). Essential improvement of filtration in PM as compared with usual rectifier filters with similar parameters L, C is demonstrated.
PM parameters optimization conditions by filtration by way of choosing of integer odd frequency proportions 1/µ is defined. Using of pulsation input harmonics influence superposition is validated.
Experimental oscillograms, data about spectrum character of input pulsation and PM output voltage calculations well concurred with measured data is cited. PM pulsations managed to reduce by way of CC tuning (in 1.5-2 times).
Calculations of pulsations reducing in CC allow to reduce a mass, cost and improve power rectifier filter reliability, that was used in several radiolocation stations (RLS), ЗПГ РТИ АН device. Rectifier filter was excluded in superpower RLS with АФР [6].
Pages: 50-57
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