350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №2 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
M. Yu. Dolomatov, V.V. Leonov
In The Experiments was defined the line dependnis between , activation energy viscous flow of liquid and integral oscillator strength of multicomponent hydrocarbon medium . The finding dependens was established macroscopic electrodynamics of continua и the quantum theory. The discovery correlations can be used for define viscosity of oil and another hydrocarbon systems via theirs electronic absorption spectrum in UV and visible regions . The research contain theoretical theoretical justification of experimentally facts. It has been found experimentally that exist the line dependnis between , activation energy viscous flow of liquid and integral oscillator strength of multicomponent hy-drocarbon medium. The experiment has been included electronic absorption spectrum in UV and visible regions in combination with rotating-cylinder technique. The finding dependens was established macroscopic electrodynamics of continua и the quantum theory and of statistical data procesing. The Discovery can be used for define viscosity of oil and another hydrocarbon systems, including oil and oil products via theirs electronic absorption spectrum in UV and visible regions
Pages: 60-65
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