350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №2 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
N.M. Legki, M.A. Rybin, A.C. Dunaev
The way and the stand for the control of characteristics of passive identifiers of systems of radio-frequency identification is offered. The stand represents desktop not the radiotransparent chamber, inside, for reduction of influence of reflection, the radioabsorbing material is located. The microstrip aerial of the stand is located in a "distant" zone. Measurement of characteristics occurs in two stages. At the first stage there is a measurement of characteristics of a send-receive path of the stand in a working range. At the given stage the identifier is not established. The peak-frequency characteristic is remembered in a computer. After removal of characteristics of the identifier the characteristic is corrected in view of characteristics of the stand. Algorithms of work of the stand and settlement formulas for some modes are resulted. Offered system it is possible to measure and calculate such characteristics of the identifier, as: - Range of reading in real conditions; - The peak-frequency characteristic. - Capacity of return dispersion of the aerial of the identifier and, as consequence, factor of modulation of a reciprocal signal of the identifier; - To identify malfunctions of the aerial, schemes of the coordination and an integrated microcircuit. Process is completely automated.
Pages: 54-59
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