350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
V. S. Savvateev, G. G. Melyan
A necessary condition for maintaining the combat readiness of data transmission systems in automated air defense is to periodically check the quality of data transmission channels. Among the many criteria for assessing the quality of channels is the main indicator of the reliability of data transmission [L.1, 2,3]. In the previous generation of data used for this purpose gauges the reliability of the ID-010. Such an instrument could simultaneously measure the reliability of only one data link. At present, the reliability of measurement function data is implemented in software and can be incorporated as an algorithm for data in any data path, or all at once or at the option of the operator. The recommended value of the reliability of the measurement time is the value of 15 minutes [L.3]. However, this time can be reduced by several times, if you use the method of rapid analysis offered below. The value of the error probability p is selected based on the average expected value. With the statistics accumulated over previous measurements [L.5], you can set the boundaries of the measured value for a given tract. If, within a specified time measurement accuracy is not much value deviates from the fixed boundary, the measuring time can be reduced to several minutes. Discussed in [L.5] and in this article, procedures for periodic evaluation of the quality of data transmission channels require the removal of the channel PD measuring mode, ie termination of the main mode. In the present circumstances, when data communication equipment runs primarily as a software implemented and is able to fix the data loss during transmission, assessing the quality of data exchange can be carried out during combat operations.
Pages: 57-59
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