350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
A.I. Teliga, V.G. Sirenko, P.A. Osetrov, A.P. Kolevatov
In condition of high requirements to accuracy and fast action in combat operation (time readiness to action after march must not be more than five minutes) combat action opportunity with unprepared surveying positions should be provided. Structure, specifications, tasks means of their overcoming are considered. Mathematical instrument used in new generation structure navigation systems is considered. It is shown that effective decision of navigation problem in condition of modern combat application of FMS must use complex and optimal combined approach of space navigation, odometric, gyroscopic, electrooptical devices. The given configuration, construction and algorithms of potential navigation system operation are proposed providing: - decrease influence of outer disturbance and increase jamimmunity; - increase fast action and accuracy of position determination and orientation for some times: - decrease power consumption. On the basis of investigation results given in this article are designed, produced and tested prototypes with positive results as a part of AMS and АМС. These prototypes are recommended for series fabrication using the results the testing.
Pages: 21-26
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