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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
V. A. Shakhnov, V. G. Kosticov, R. V. Kosticov, G. M. Patrin, P. S. Strelnicov, S. A. Wolkov
For radioelectronic devices normal functioning it is necessary to provide electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), which becomes more difficult due to continuous complexing, miniaturization, higher power and operating frequency widening of devices. This problem is more difficult to solve in military technology and armament nonstationary objects, as well as in systems to use in cases of emergency, that is in hard service conditions. General distance decrease between elements in semiconductor devices crystals takes place, which leads to insulating gaps electric strength decrease and creepage increase. This situation decreases the EMC due to noise increase.
While analyzing radiotransmitter pulse signals, the influence on their amplitude-to-phase conversion spectral characteristics in amplifying sections is considered. These characteristics are defined by kinds of noise produced by the circuit modulating components situated very close by. Very often it is impossible to provide a large enough distance between the noise sources and the circuits which receive them (especially control devices) in transportable radar complex devices. That's why it is important to decrease inductive noise produced by signal generators situated near by.
One of the main methods to decrease inductive noise level is to use shield isolating electromagnetic fields. Noise magnetic field distribution in the shield studies and shield design choice to provide electromagnetic compatibility of control devices and power devices as part of mobile radar station radiotransmitter are given. Field distribution in magnetic field turned out to be very close to actual physical picture.
The received ratio for the model is used in electromagnetic situation analyzing in power supply system of mobile radar station radiotransmitter. Shield designs are developed using the results of these studies; inside them there are control device components, for example, electrovacuum device, low-noise semiconductor amplifier and others. Usage of similar shields in high-volt power supply sources made it possible to achieve low level of harmonic components of output voltage in given frequency range. Also power supply system arranging is provided as part of radiotransmitter with given limits in mass and volume.
Pages: 14-20
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