350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №11 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
structural optimization
mathematical model
radio electronic equipment
shock absorber
A.V. Malov, A.S. Shalumov, Vu Van Quy
Developed an automated subsystem ASONIKA-V is designed to analyze the mechanical characteristics of structures of boxes, racks and blocks of radio electronic equipment installed on shock absorbers, under the influence of harmonic vibration, random vibration, shock loads, linear acceleration, under the influence of acoustic noise, as well as complex mechanical influences. Construction design may include many elements in the form of rectangular parallelepipeds with different dimensions and can also be applied to multi-level vibration isolation. According to the results of calculation, user of the system can obtain output information about the accelerations and displacements of the structure.
The subsystem includes the following modules:
input modules of the design information (geometric models, effects, experimental features);
visualization modules (for creating reports and graphs);
preprocessor forming a mathematical model;
postroprocessor for results formatting;
calculation kernel (consisist of analysis, optimization and identification modules);
interface with ASONIKA system.
The software is able to solve a wide range of tasks:
create geometric models of structures of radio electronic equipment using three-dimensional graphical user interface;
provide input mechanical effects in the form of graphic dependences;
receive a performance characteristics for different types of mechanical action;
сalculate the output characteristics of the models and present them in a readable graphic form;
search for the optimal parameters of shock absorbers at a fixed frequency or frequency range;
provide structural synthesis of designs, providing resistance to vibration shock absorbers to optimize the geometric parameters at a fixed frequency or frequency range;
identify parameters of shock absorbers using experimental characteristics of the design;
printing or saving any output to graphics or text files.
The subsystem is part of the CAD ASONIKA. This integration allows the use of unified reference database system, to obtain the characteristics of construction materials, standard models of shock absorbers and storage characteristics of the shock absorbers resulting identification. Communication interface of subsystems ASONIKA-V and ASONIKA-T enables mutual adjustment of parameters in a model on shock absorbers in ASONIKA-V and the parameters of conductive branches in ASONIKA-T.
The use of the subsystem allows the analysis of the mechanical characteristics of the radio electronic equipment on shock absorbers, the identification of missing characteristics of shock absorbers, as well as perform optimal design of structures of radio electronic equipment, by parametric and structural synthesis.
Pages: 38-43
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