350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №10 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Sources of electric current based on fluorinated nanomaterials
A.M. Egorov, I.A. Putsylov, S.E. Smirnov, S.A. Fateev
Work is devoted to powerful solid phase lithium-fluorocarbon elements creation which are not incorporating liquid aprotonic conductor. These elements are based on cathodes containing fluorinated carbon nanomaterials. The investigation of solid phase cathodes based on traditional fluorinated material ITG-124, fluorinated nanotubes and fluorinated fullerene soot have shown that the electrode with fluorinated fullerene soot has much more positive standard and middle discharge potential, and also possesses essential advantage on specific capacity in comparison with the analogues based on ITG-124 and fluorinated carbon nanotubes. The cathode with fluorinated carbon nanotubes at current density 0,015 mA/cm2 has given out specific capacity earlier unattainable in practice, about 1585 mA×h/g, against 1185 mA×h/g and 800 mA×h/g for electrodes based on fluorinated fullerene soot and ITG-124 accordingly. Fluorinated fullerene soot is expedient for applying to elements in which achievement of high capacity are prime, in turn for achievement of the maximum capacity in the course of the long low-power discharge it is recommended to use fluorinated carbon nanotubes. Nanostructured solid phase lithium fluorocarbon element possesses advantage on values of voltage, energy and capacity in comparison with analog in traditional execution. Such result speaks variety of the negative phenomena excluded in solid phase element which taking place in analog with liquid electrolyte, basic of which are: active materials surface shielding by not spending components such as fluoroplastic and separator; degradation of electrochemical system components, caused by high chemical activity of liquid aprotonic conductors; incomplete desolvation of lithium cation and it intercalation in a cathode material in solvation sphere, accompanied by destruction of the last.
Pages: 20-23
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