350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Dissymmetry approach in management of the knowledge-intensive production company
P.E. Pokrevsky, S.V. Dudnikov, M.J. Parfenova
Consider a dissymmetry approach in the development of intellectual capital of the knowledge-intensive production company as a directed asymmetric static and dynamic structures interaction. The static part of the intellectual capital brings stability in progress of the high technology manufacture and includes objects of intellectual property. The dynamic part is considered as a source of the determined chaos and creating force and defined on set of the parameters describing scientific and engineering - technicians of the enterprise. The phenomenon диссимметрии is investigated for construction of the system mechanism of management by progress of the intellectual capital of the enterprise of the high technology manufacture on the basis of the analysis of conditions and an assessment of potentials of cooperating structures. Basic theoretical positions to create a mathematical model of dissymmetry process are given. Approval on rearrangement of the continued fraction that shows mechanism of dissymmetry into matrix representation is given. The matrix concept of chain fractions allows to transform them to continuous space of images for revealing new knowledge of behaviour of investigated object of management.
Pages: 46-49
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