350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Specialist professional competence as a basis for the formation of industrial modernization innovative potential in the diversification environment
A.V. Chernov
The Russian Federation course set for the formation of innovative economics requires the industrial complex effective modernization in order to develop and strengthen industrial and corporative potential. The task specified reflects the overseas and home markets growing demands for creation and promotion of up-to-date industrial technologies based on intelligence potential, professional competence, creativity, scientific and industrial teams - practical knowledge. The data presented in the survey give proved reasons for the necessity of both knowledge system and professional competence improvement during the process of training of highly skilled engineers who are aimed at the development of innovative industrial technologies beneficially realizing innovative potential of the scientific-and-production processes management system. Therewith the competence approach determines the future engineers - current training logic; it is based on the fundamental knowledge concept alteration and is associated with the contemporary educational paradigm transfer from the «knowledgeable» to the «activitable» one. To formalize the quality evaluation process for the engineers trained for science intensive and high technological branches we offer the training institution analytical system for its activity evaluation within the logic of specialists-graduates compliance with the branches demands. The stated in the survey quality evaluation system is based on the integration of enterprises demands for the science intensive specialists with appropriate professional competences, knowledge, abilities and skills and is presented in the form of algorhythmic multistage procedure and assumes the complex of organizational, educational, scientific and technological measures which taken as a whole lead to innovative results.
Pages: 28-32
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