350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Estimation to termal stability rubber compound
D.E. Barabash, Y.A. Borovlev, S.A. Goshev
Kauton are a perspective material for production product, using in aggressive ambience. The Main defect kauton is their aptitude to thermal destruction. For clarification dug the component of the composition, type and constructions rubber connecting in thermal stability kautons are organized their differential thermal studies. They got results allow to install the warm-up interval to usages product from kautons on base different connecting. The classical physical model of the behavior compound was accepted for description of the thermodynamic condition sample kauton different composition at tall temperature heating, allowed conditionally to select four typical zones in mountain kautons, is sailed going one in another. They are considered typical processes, characteristic specified zone. Way of increasing thermal stability kautons are marked on base of the generalization result studies on oligodiens base.
Pages: 5-9
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