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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №9 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Estimation of coordinates of object in view of influence of the geometrical factor
I.V. Demichev, D.N. Yevgeniev, Z.F. Shaidulin
Now wide enough development was received by systems of definition of coordinates of the radio-electronic means, con-structed on base range-difference measurements. At realization of spatial measurements and calculation of coordinates essential influence renders the geometrical factor.
For increase of accuracy estimation coordinates the majority of methods realize statistical processing on time of supervision that is critical in conditions of high dynamism of object. Increase of accuracy of definition of coordinates, in conditions of short-term contact, is possible due to use of statistical processing on number of spatial measurements.
In article the algorithm of an estimation of coordinates of sources of radio emissions on a basis range-difference the measurements, taking into account influence of the geometrical factor is submitted.
The algorithm allows to calculate a point of crossing of lines of position on the basis of three and four (measuring instru-ments of lines of position have no the common points) places of acceptance in all possible relative positioning of points of reception and a source for a plane.
The technique of elimination of ambiguity of an estimation of the coordinates, realized in algorithm, uses a number of criteria which unequivocally allow to allocate set of points of crossing of lines of position for the further statistical processing.
Pages: 44-50
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