350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №9 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The calculation method of the detection threshold under parallel scan of the bandwidth
O.A. Nokhrin, I.E. Kalmychkov
The consequent or multifunction scan of the bandwidth typically has low probability of detection of short-time radio signals. To increase the probability of detection is used the parallel scan of the bandwidth. Known methods of detection threshold calculation are based on use of all coefficients of amplitude spectrum. It occurs the reduce detector-s features with the bandwidth filling grows. Besides, detector-s features are in effect of unevenness of the issue factor of the receiving tract and a law of the noise distribution. To reduce the dependence of the detector's performances of these factors is offered to calculate the value of the detection threshold for each amplitude spectrum coefficient. Value of the detection threshold calculate as amount smoothing estimations of the spectrum in slithering on axis of the frequencies weighting window and a function from their standard deviation. It allows to avoid the dependency of the detector performances from bandwidth filling, unevenness of the issue coefficient of the receiving tract and law of the sharing the noise. The illustrations of the article presented confirm increasing of the detector's performances under use for calculation of the detection threshold the offered method.
Pages: 14-19
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