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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №8 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Energy efficiency polarization shift keying with a continuous-sequential change in the parameters of polarization
D.N. Jamanov, S.S. Zhavoronkov
Polarization shift keying signals are two-dimensional. Information parameters of this type of signal are the polarization parameters of the wave the angle of orientation and the angle of ellipticity. The use of signals from the polarization manipulation gives a relatively high noise immunity, the possibility of transferring to a single carrier frequency of two independent messages simultaneously by changing the angles of the orientation and ellipticity.
Search for new types of signals that exceed the known signals for energy efficiency and spectral efficiency, has led to the creation of polarization shift keying signals with continuous change of the polarization parameters (PSKC).
In the publications on this type of signals were mainly considered PSKC signals a change in one parameter of polarization. To improve noise immunity is advisable to use two parameters of polarization.
At the same time changing the angle of orientation and ellipticity angle PSKC signals spectrum expands. To save PMSC signals spectral width is advisable to apply a consistent change in the parameters of polarization at even intervals of time to transmit data by changing the angle of orientation, but the odd time intervals using the angle of ellipticity.
The article shows the minimum Euclidean distance for PSKC signals a change of two and one polarization parameters of the index of polarization manipulation. It is shown that noise immunity PSKC signals a change of two polarization parameters for the majority of indices of the polarization shift keying significantly exceeds noise immunity PSKC signals a change in one parameter of polarization.
Pages: 16-19
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