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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №7 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Computer simulation methods design for the glide dislocations and ordered ensembles of dislocation assemblages interaction processes
Yu.S. Belov, Myat Zayar Win, A.N. Proskurnin, Kyaw Min Thein
Modern models and methods of processes of multiple dislocation interactions have been examined. It is pointed out that for adequate description of physical processes of these kinds of interaction it is necessary to reveal flexible properties of interacting dislocations, fine structure of inner stresses field and spatial characteristics of the system in a proper way. Peculiarities of the boundary problem tasks for interacting dislocations are scrutinized. It was shown, that the proper accounting of resistance forces of crystal lattice for glide dislocation motion leads the institution of the flexible edge conditions for the boundary task of interactions. For crystals with faced centered structure, problems and solution methods for glide dislocation and ordered ensembles of dislocation assemblages interaction processes are formulated. In accordance with developed technique analysis of flexible glide dislocation interaction with two kinds of dislocations assemblages - dislocations walls and dislocations nets have been examined. It has been shown that Orowan criterions for calculation the critical passage stresses values are inadmissible because it leads to errors which could exceed two order of the value.
Pages: 24-32
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