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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Using intellectual interface of multiscale system for processing of the reports written in natural language
N.K. Sorochinskaya
In this article features of working out of intellectual interfaces for systems of the big dimension (multiscale systems) are considered. It is offered to use methods of system analysis for processing of the natural language research information, that is stored in system. System analysis allows to carry out system identification (i.e. gives representation about possibility of association of subsystems in systems) and system reconstruction (i.e. to reveal interrelation between system elements). Since the accuracy of the similar analysis directly depends on completeness of the initial information, it is offered to expand an initial data set by means of the synonym thesaurus. In this article the method of the automated construction of the thesaurus of the synonyms, based on use of concepts uniformity and conformity is described. The fuzzy relations are applied to construct a concise synonym thesaurus and then merge these synonyms according to the uniformity measure. Since thresholds are set by an expert and the validation of the thesaurus is carried out by an expert too, this method is partially automatic. We use an assignment matrix on incomplete information systems to reduce an attribute. The method places values of an attribute in the incomplete table of decisions, representing a matrix of values and distance between attributes. At the end of this article the general algorithm of the module, that deal with the natural language reports of system of the big dimension (multiscale systems), including already mentioned methods is considered. This algorithm can be successfully used for an intellectual part of the interface of system of the big dimension.
Pages: 49-54
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