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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Method of coordination of decisions at synthesis technical projects
L. E. Mistrov
The present financial and economic crisis has sharply aggravated a problem of synthesis of technical projects (TPs) for working out products of different function. In these conditions customers working out TPs are compelled to consider real possibilities of the organizations-developers to create products. As developers aspire any ways to receive the order, customers involve at stages of outline and technical designing for the coordination with developers of the requirements for TPs the research organizations (executors) preserving the coordinating role for the choice of a preferable variant of a product. As far as TPs are concerned decision-making is carried out by the criterion of performance of certain tasks by a product framed in a system of preferences, conditions and restrictions on the part of the customer. It causes to distinguish TPs synthesis in the conditions of definiteness, risk, uncertainty and illegibility (the term belongs to Zade). Depending on conditions of synthesis the criterion is represented in the form of a utility maximum of Bajesa-Laplasa, Pareto and Gurvits in this or that form of a problem of mathematical programming. The problem of TPs synthesis comes to a recurrent procedure of finding a maximum of TPs requirements values on a vector of their criterion functions at coordination stages between the executor and the developer with the coordinating role of the customer. Decisions are directed at streamlining of initial data and techniques of efficiency estimation of a product and at coordination of work of the executor and the developer on sets of their admissible decisions by a method of sub-group optimization. Search of the optimum decision is carried out by a method of invariant immersing by consideration of a problem with the accurate plan of the analysis of a set of problems at coordination stages, i.e. the criterion function maximum depends on a stage and decisions of TPs coordination participants. The function of an accessory of decisions accepted by participants to a subset of admissible, effective and coordinated decisions is used as the characteristic of the accepted decisions of participants. Accessory functions are defined on a set of admissible decisions with a definition on the basis of Bellman principle of the optimum decision of the customer realized by a two stage recurrent procedure on the basis of a hierarchical coordination method. The procedure is realized by an integrated criterion by the decision of an optimizing problem on Cartesian sets of decisions of the executor and the customer. The decision on TPs coordination is made in the absence of divergences by efficiency, conditions and restrictions. In case of impossibility of an integrated criterion definition decision-making is carried out by the coordination of private efficiency indicators at out-of-system and intersystem levels of a product synthesis. Optimization is carried out by a method of group optimization while translating not optimum private indicators in the area of restrictions. The procedure of finding of an admissible set of decisions consists of consecutive steps. Problems of con-struction of the return display defining a full prototype of a given set of the previous step and a problem of maximum values search of private indicators in an optimization model are solved at these steps. Application of the method provides working out information system to support customer-s decision-making by working out realized TPs.
Pages: 37-52
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