350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Technological approach to design and service of motor vehicles on the basis of simulation of motion
N. A. Bazeyeva, E. V. Schennikova, Yu. I. Golechkov
The conducted analysis of a vehicle motion along an irregular way through an obstacle of a given profile and the completed series of calculation experiments can be a basis for a motor transport system improvement method. The calculations for a specific modeled example made it possible to analyze the influence of motion velocity increase on the character if oscillations and vehicle motion safety, as well as to optimize the parameters of vehicle suspension elements. The vehicle motion equations are built on the basis of Lagrange equation of the second order. Via mathematical modeling dynamical characteristics of a driver-s seat, cabin and wheeled vehicle chassis frame pneumatic suspensions have been optimized, increasing motion safety. The suggested calculation method has allowed to reduce the amplitude of displacements and accelerations of the driver-s seat, decrease the vibrations and accelerate the process of oscillation damping. In this work numerical modeling of a motor vehicle in vertical plane has been conducted moving along an irregular way with a given profile of irregularities. Calculations of the characteristics of a vehicle vertical oscillations has been done for different values of motion velocity. The influence of velocity increase on the character of oscillations, security and comfort of vehicle motion has been analyzed.
Pages: 30-36
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