350 rub

Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
A method of signal processing which provides effective signal separation against a background of side lobes
S. V. Zaretsky
Complex signals (of binary phase-shift keyed signal) are now in use in radiolocation radio navigation and telecommunication due to their unique features that provide high resolution and high energy signal while the on-peak output is relatively small. Yet those signals have sufficiently great level of side lobes after matched filtering which results from the difficulty of receiving echo signal from low scattering cross section target against light high scattering cross section target background. Such situations occur for example while detecting signals against the reflection background of the earth, sea and especially from buildings in urban districts. The efficiency of solving the problems of detecting useful signals under these conditions is mainly determined by abilities of processing tools to detect the signal in the range of searching the target.
In the article a method of signal processing of binary phase-shift keyed signal based on two stage procedure has been proposed. This method provides cancellation side lobes of auto correlation function from the output of matched filter and the method can be used in processing signals with Barker codes, M-sequences and also in dealing with signals with any random sequences.
Pages: 16-21
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