350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №2 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Application of the fractal analysis of the accelerograms in investigation of the seismic safety of transport systems
D. V. Klimova, O. V. Druzhinina
The procedure based on the method of the fractal analysis of the seismic impacts on transport constructions and their consequences is developed. Acceleration, with which seismic wave acts on the construction, has nonstationary stochastic nature. The first stage of realisation of the procedure is producing a set of accelerograms of the seismic impact on the transport construction with the purpose of it-s analysis as random processes. The second stage is a comprehensive treatment of time series of the output signal with the method of fractal analysis. The fractal analysis of the accelerogram of the real earthquake is carried out. The fractal random processes, used for modelling of accelerograms, are considered. The analysis of fractal factors of dynamic behavior of the cantilever bar under seismic impact is carried out. Application of methods of the fractal analysis allows to detect global interrelations between variables, used in the process of seismic oscillation and influencing on the state of construction. The developed procedure can be used in the tasks of improving of construction technologies, used in the transport industry, and in the tasks of improving of the technologies of providing of seismic safety of transport constructions.
Pages: 3-13
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