350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Technology of clearing of sweet water and deposits of sewage without application of chemicals with use of vacuum devices
E.S. Belov, O.G. Bonk, V.I. Kapustin, N.V. Jarantsev
Now state, tax and other privileges for activity in the field of preservation of the environment in Russia effectively do not function. Substantially it is connected by that there are no domestic technologies air and water purification, processings and recyclings of waste products. Presence of effective technologies can enable the state in today's free - market economy to create mechanisms of financial and economic regulation in nature protection business and to provide introduction of these technologies at the enterprises having sources of negative influence on an environment. In given article the devices created on the basis of domestic vacuum superhigh-frequency devices, 2450 MHz generating on frequency in pulse and continuous modes with adjustable capacity in an interval 0,3 - 5 kw, and experimental results of researches on influence of influence of the microwave irradiation created by such devices, on the contents of harmful substances in potable water and heavy metals in deposits of sewage are described. Efficiency of modes of microwave processing of potable water the created devices on the basis of vacuum superhigh-frequency devices was such, that has provided conformity to its existing state branch standard, and the additional filtration of the water processed in a microwave field has provided its such cleanliness which is much higher than requirements of all known standards. And a complex of all expenses for reception it is high pure water has made only 0,1 kw∙h/l. Average specific expenses on microwave clearing deposits of sewage of impurity of heavy metals will roughly make 0,05 kw∙h/l.
Pages: 49-53
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