350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №10 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The technology of spatial resolution of a system of acoustic emitters, based on the two-stage algorithm of digital hydroacoustic signal processing
V.K. Bityukov, V.G. Getmanov, A.A. Firsov
In the paper the problem of spatial resolution of a system of acoustic emitters, which moves in an aquatic environment, is considered. This problem relates to the subject area of passive hydrolocation and is largely based on general conceptions of methods of passive radiolocation. Nowadays passive location of single or group objects is realized, using networks with distributed receivers, realizing triangular and correlation algorithms, or single receivers with realization of different variants of algorithms, reduced to determining evaluations of spectrums of nonstationary hydroacoustic signals. The technology of spatial resolution, based on the two-stage approximation algorithm for estimation of coordinates of acoustic emitters with using of digital Doppler hydroacoustic signal processing is proposed. The two-stage approximation algorithm for digital hydroacoustic signal processing is applied. On the first stage we realize construction of the local polyharmonic model for approximation of hydroacoustic signals and evaluation of Doppler frequency functions. On the second stage evaluations of Doppler frequencies are approximated with model functions of Doppler frequencies. We compose the functional and solve the problem of minimization by kinematic parameters: coordinates of emitters, velocity of motion of the system of emitters and Doppler frequencies from motion emitters. Evaluations of parameters are determined, what allows to restore relative mo993tions in time and determine positions of phase centers of emitters. Proposed technology has been tested on the problem, based on hydroacoustic signal processing, for the case of plane motion of the system of two acoustic emitters. Developed technology of spatial resolution of a system of acoustic emitters with using of digital Doppler hydroacoustic signal processing, based on the algorithm of two-stage approximation evaluation, is effective. This technology can supplement existing methods of passive location.
Pages: 6-13
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