350 rub

Journal Science Intensive Technologies №8 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
information technologies
industrial park
V.N. Kirillov
Adoption of an innovation like technology enabled services and the factors underlying the adoption process have been an important topic of study in marketing research. This is because creating and using new technology are the keys to marketing success. In today-s world business people feel new urgency due to the increasing requirements for technological advances as well as the accelerating rate of technology diffusion. To handle technology centric innovation and manage its implementation requires better understanding not only about technology itself but also of the evolution, maturation, and diffusion of technologies throughout the consumers and consumer-s adversity towards safety of transaction.
In order to better understand IT-s role in economic growth it is important to realize that the digital economy is more than an economy conducted on the Internet. Rather, it represents the pervasive use of IT (hardware, software and telecommunications) in all aspects of the economy, including internal operations of organizations (business, government and non-profit); transactions between organizations; and transactions between individuals, acting both as consumers and citizens, and organizations. IT has enabled the creation of a host of tools to create, manipulate, organize, transmit, store and act on information in digital form in new ways and through new organizational forms. And its impact is pervasive as it is being used in virtually every sector from farming to manufacturing to services to government.
India has earned itself a reputation of an IT superpower. Software Technology Parks of India have played a seminal role in accomplishing this status. Today, STPIs all over the country are synonomous with excellent Infrastructure and Statutory support aimed at furthering growth of Information Technology in the country. Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) is a society set up by the Department of Communication & Information Technology, Government Of India in 1991, with the objective of encouraging, promoting and boosting the Software Exports from India. STPI maintains internal engineering resources to provide consulting, training and implementation services.
Pages: 68-73
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