350 rub

Journal Science Intensive Technologies №8 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
situation analysis
the theory of pattern recognition
alphabet of classes
vocabulary of features
recognition algorithm
I.R. Ashurbaily, A.L. Gorelik, V.A. Gorelik
The formal procedures of situation analysis of the industrial enterprises considered as the corporation potential members are introduced. The questions of position estimates of this enterprises and their production in reference to the standard enterprises or the competition samples are discussed.
The common approach to the situation analysis problems formalization is suggested. This approach is based on the theory of pattern recognition. Methods of classification of industrial enterprises using logical recognition systems and Boolean algebra are developed.
The suggested methods gives possibility to formalize the process of the situation analysis aiming to obtain quantitative estimates characterizing current and prognosis situation. The decomposition of situation analysis of the enterprise industrial activity allows to distinguish several analyzing directions: analyses of strong and weak enterprise features, analyses of possible threats for their functioning, analyses of potential opportunities, positional analyses.
The common formulation of the problem is following: the initial set of enterprises is divided for classes, which totality forms a priori alphabet of classes, and for their description the features are introduced forming a priori vocabulary of features. As a result of the investigation of the corresponding situation analysis direction a posteriori features values for the given enterprise are calculated. Substituting these features values in a priori descriptions of classes it is possible to determine according the recognition algorithm (decision rule) to which class of situations the investigated enterprise belongs.
The suggested approach is applied for the risk analysis of enterprise activity in market competition. It can be used not only as the base for the organization of industrial corporations but also for the complex restructure of enterprises.
Pages: 48-58
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