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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №8 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
L.S. Bolotova, V.A. Smolyaninova, S.S. Smirnov
This article is devoted to a question of knowledge bases development automation of intellectual systems. This question continues to remain actual from the moment of occurrence of the first expert systems. The most important stage of knowledge bases development process is the stage of the system-conceptual analysis of a problem domain. Till this moment it is not offered any well algorithmization techniques of performance of this stage - all techniques have recommendatory character. Therefore article is devoted to a problem of development well algorithmization techniques of the system-conceptual analysis and to software of its embodiment. The considered technique is the «technique of conceptual analysis of actions structures» called. Application of a technique and software of its support allows to receive the conceptual space of the problem domain, realized by means of object-oriented programming which has received the name «conceptual-object model». In turn this model supposes the further automated transformation to any other model of knowledge representation.
As an example of technique application the beginning of the conceptual analysis for a problem of support of administration of a corporate control system is given.
At a structurally functional level the «Assistant of Expert» program complex, intended for automation of a technique, and the problem-oriented interface realized in him is described.
It is concluded suitability of offered programs and methodical means for support of purposeful development process of system-conceptual thinking skills by preparation of experts in the knowledge engineering field.
The technology described in article is approved at implementation of some research jobs on creation of decision-making support systems, and also during teaching such disciplines as «Knowledge representation in intellectual systems», «Systems of an artificial intellect », « Theory of decision-making».
Pages: 28-36
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