350 rub

Journal Science Intensive Technologies №8 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Hilbert method
synchronization of time-slots
pulse signal
noisy signal
telecommunication network
the analysis of the digital signal
frame container
Fiber-optic communication link
A.A. Balagur, A.A. Khrustalev, O.A. Mikhalin
Nowadays, mobile channels necessarily contain switches that support multiplexing. The most convenient scheme is time division multiplexing of channels (TDM). It is important that the switches on the transmitting and receiving sides must work synchronously, and time slots must overlap. In practice, the simultaneous switching signal synchronization is used, which is a known for receiver sequence of pulses. To send a sync-impulses it can be used an outside channel, but more often it is used a channel-inside sync. To detect a desync of synchronization time slot, and the measurement noise, resulting in a channel of communication, it requires a continuous monitoring of parameters of TDMA-signal in the control points. For pulsed TDMA signals using of spectral analysis of signals in the frequency domain is inefficient, because it is difficult to separate the spectrum of signals and impulse noise. This issue relates to the ambiguity of representations of harmonic signals when setting the amplitude and phase values in the form of analytic functions.
A simulation of a virtual test system «analyzer of TDMA-signals» in practical experiment confirms that the Hilbert's method is most suitable for the analysis of TDMA-signal, as it allows with sufficient accuracy to monitor the desync while transmitting a digital signal reception.
All this together gives the opportunity to review the original and noisy signal, as well as to compare them. This helps us to obtain experimental data that confirm our theoretical findings.
Continuous automatic monitoring of a channel will help to identify potential problems before they manifest in the form of caller applications for maintenance. The ability to control the characteristics of a channel in the operation and no interference with subscribers is necessary to detect and troubleshoot a channel on cable television networks (CTN).
Pages: 23-27
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