350 rub

Journal Science Intensive Technologies №8 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
E.P. Stroganova
It is considered the impact of the tolerances establishing for the measured parameters of radioelectronic equipment at the conformance evaluation reliability. Among the aspects of the problem of tolerances establishing we considered the follows: tolerance set for an inadequate model parameter or operation conditions; tolerance admission is installed as a stochastic or fuzzy value; and on the functionally-related parameters. We show that if the digital model of frequency or phase uses in the condition of interference this leads to asymmetry of distribution and bias of frequency and phase estimates. If the tolerance was established without estimate of real-world noise level it can lead to failure of the radioelectronic equipment. We consider the Gauss distribution tolerance to exert influence on control probability. If the tolerances establish as the fuzzy values you can estimate the equipment quality. Underlined that tolerance at the functionally related parameters sets as the field of tolerance for these parameters. The analysis allows observing the influence of establishing tolerances at the equipment operating quality and the conformance evaluation reliability.
Pages: 10-15
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