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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №6 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
N.V. Baranovsky
Forest fires render mainly negative influence on forest ecosystems now. A principal cause of forest fires - the anthropogenous factor. The share of the burnt area by fires from lightning activity is great. Forest fires from thunder-storms make 8.8 - 17.5 % from total in Russia. Burns out 37 up to 53 % of the burnt area. Fires from thunder-storms make 35 %, and the burnt area makes 85 % in Canada. The share of forest fires from thunder-storms makes about 78 % in region of the Alpes. Thus, the problem of the forecast of forest fires from thunder-storms is actual now.
Influence of lightning activity on probability of forest fire occurrence is considered. As the entrance data it is used not only statistics on forest fires, but also results of experimental estimations of the some probability parts in formulas. Results of scenario calculations of probability of forest fire occurrence are submitted. Intensity of forest fire conditions corresponds Timiryazevo timber enterprise of Tomsk region.
Thus, the opportunity of use of the given experimental researches on ignition of forest fuel by the electric discharge for the purposes of the forest fire occurence forecast is shown. Use of the results submitted in the present work in practice of protection of forests from fires will promote increase of a level of information maintenance of monitoring and the forecast of forest fire danger
Pages: 66-70
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