350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №6 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
I.R. Ashurbaily, A.L. Gorelik, V.A. Gorelik
The article is devoted to discussion of the problem of organization of industrial corporations aiming their intellectual development. Five directions of their organization and control are suggested. First direction is the organization by the industrial corporation an innovation division transformed in perspective into a technological park, aiming to generate new knowledge, which can be realized in the form of innovation products. Second direction is connected with creating in the industrial corporation structure the inner consulting system in the form of the consulting centre which aim is to work out on line for the corporation managements the control decision making recommendations providing the effective corporation functioning. Third direction is creating in the corporation the system of industrial product quality control and the system of the new created products sertification. Fourth direction is connected with the organization of the process of creating intellectual property (new technologies, patents, licences, software, etc.). If the industrial corporation includes a technological park the intellectual property is created mainly as a result of its staff activity. Fifth direction is building the training system in the corporation structure. The definition of the concept of the industrial corporation intellectual potential is introduced and the problems of this potential maximization are formulated and solved
Pages: 43-50
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