350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №4 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Structural-Functional Special Features of the Neuro-Supramolecular System
D. I. Shapiro
Now there was an essential pragmatical necessity of creation artificial the intellectual systems possessing "human-like" properties. Multidimensional studying of the processes occurring in a brain, unites in project Brain-Like Algorithms (the USA, Japan). Formation of similar procedures demands use of structurally functional features of a brain and all power of modern com-puter possibilities. In work this approach is expanded on the basis of use of the heterogeneous neural networks possessing properties of multiconnectivity, recognition, geometrical and semantic affinity, etc., and also theories of fuzzy sets. Possi-bility of development of this approach on supramolecular ensembles which are based on linkage, recognition and coordination is shown.
Pages: 79-85
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