350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Way of a Spatial Filtration of the Thermal Objects on the Correlated Atmospheric Background
Jakimenko I.V., Zhendarev M.V.
In this abstract is stated the way of the thermal objects detection on the correlated atmospheric background by means of infra-red heat direction finders with a wide field of vision. The way is based on use of differences of spatial spectra of dot thermal object radiation and extensional colder atmospheric background. On the basis of this way is developed the algorithm of the bidimentional spatial filter which can be realized programmatically in the video processor of the heat direction finder. The algorithm allows automating process of the air targets detection (planes, helicopters, cruise missiles, unpiloted aircraft, etc.) and to provide the display of their video images to the monitor of the video control device in the binary kind
Pages: 67
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