350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Analysis of the Charaсteristics of the Russian Internet Segment Network Topology
Pavlenko N.V.
The development of the Internet has gained an enormous scale over the past years. With the growth of the number of users more versatile distributed systems, peer-to-peer networks, IP-TV systems and voice communication systems are emerging. Expansion of the Internet is accompanied by steady development of the network intfastructure: emergence of new connections, broadband backbone networks, local networks, and networks of Internet service providers. Every year the network connections topology between Internet routers which are the main components of the global network is getting more complicated. Therefore when telecommunication researches face tasks to model the global network in order to evaluate the efficiency of various new systems developed by them, one of the key problem is to determine the topology of this network. And while some experiments in this area has been permormed in Europe and the U.S., the problem of assessment of the Russian Internet segment hasn't been getting much attention recently. In this work the findings of a research on the topology of the Europen, Asian and Russian segments are provided. The methodology to gather such information is shown in details. A statistical analysis is carried out based on this information. The conclusions made during the analysis are presented in the form of recommendations for researches who set a goal to build a plausible topology of an Internet segment which can be used to verify the efficiency of new distributed systems functioning technologies
Pages: 33
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