350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Probabilistic Methods of Seismic Risk and Seismic Safety Buildings and Constructions
Klimovа D.V., Golechkov Yu.I.
The article offers probabilistic methods of seismic safety assessment of transport-related buildings and constructions. Quantity indices of the degree of seismic risk and material damage connected with the possibility of earthquakes in future are established. A set of technical approaches, which mitigate the consequences of earthquakes, are offered. The problem of developing methods of probability calculation of buildings - and constructions - stability to seismic impact is solved. The requirement of indestructibility of constructions and other objects has been taken as a basis. The mathematical model of space oscillations of the system "construction - basement" has been studied. As a result of a series of numerical experiments using the method of statistic tests, dependence of occurrence of the system failure on different characteristics of seismic impact has been obtained, as well as the function of probability distribution function for maximal displacement of the system in question. Obtained results may be for research of technologies of designing of high-stability constructions
Pages: 10
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