350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №12 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
S.L. Ashikhin, A.V. Elshin
Effectiveness The Dynamic Decision Support Systems applying the technologies of the analysis of the data bulk is determined to a great extent by the quality of their dataware. This circumstance determines the significance of the data organization in the similar information systems. Expansion of the mathematical tool of the applied data analysis as well as complication of the dedicated fragment description of the subject field make the existing methodics of the information base design almost ineffective. The analysis carried out made it possible to find out no methodics of the information base design of the DDSS which firstly, would describe the subject field objects from the position of the data analysis, and, secondly, would have enough features at the logical level to ensure. The article deals with a formalized problem definition of the synthesis of the structure of the information base design of the DDSS as consecutive model construction and model transformation from a primary data model to a multidimensional data model. There are transformation rules of data description and data structure for each phase. Unlike others this methodics of the Information Base Design of the DDSS is initially oriented at satisfying informational needs of analytical technologies and it has enough common features allowing to make out logical level schemes for Data Warehouses and Data Marts which are invariant to certain DBMS.
Pages: 73-77
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