350 rub

Journal Science Intensive Technologies №12 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
D.L. Berezhnykh, D.N. Yevgeniev, A.V. Levsha
The nonlinear phenomena arising in entrance devices of a reception radio path, are determining and result in deterioration of real sensitivity and reduction of the attitude a sinad ratio. In article the reasons of occurrence of the nonlinear phenomena in a reception radio path are described.
Analytical expressions for density of distribution of pickoff of mutual modulation are given. It is proved, that products of mutual modulation have equally appropriate modulating functions, coincide with frequency of a useful signal, and, hence, at the further processing will cause distortions of a mutual phase spectrum and an estimation of time of a delay. The Error of an estimation of time of a delay on a mutual phase spectrum of a signal depends on a sinad ratio, relations of levels of amplitudes of a signal and time of a delay of a handicap of mutual modulation be relative измеряемой delays on each of posts.
Requirements to a dynamic range of a reception radio path are determined depending on parameters of an entrance signal. Thus the opportunity of realization of a required dynamic range on parameter of nonlinearity is checked in view of the given error of measurement of time of a delay.
For maintenance of a dynamic range of a reception radio path at a level of a dynamic range of the analog-digital converter and for realization of the further digital processing signals in a mode of time close to real, it is necessary to limit a strip for preliminary frequency selection and amplification up to several megahertz.
Pages: 29-34
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