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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №11 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
V. M. Krol, A. G. Skripnikov, K. D. Kuzmin
As a result of the quasiconformal mapping, which are taking place by representation of space of a retina (field of vision) in space of a visual cortex, the information on such important characteristics as corners between any lines of the image, similarity of small elements remains. Along with it according to complex logarithm function formation of uniform representation of all parts of a visual field takes place: «stretching» the central part and periphery «compression». Thereby compensation of a super dense arrangement of receptors in the center of a retina and small density of receptors on its periphery is carried out. In a result, in a number of primary areas of a visual cortex of a brain takes place preservation of key parameters of topology of visual space and, on the other hand, transformation of the entrance image to a kind convenient for the further invariant recognition takes place.
Pages: 57-62
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