350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №10 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
A. A. Kuznetsov, A. A. Plehanov, L. T. Sushkova
At system "heart - regulation" alongside with a chaotic component of a rhythm always in this or that measure there is determinist component. In that case application of a statistical method for a heart rhythm analysis becomes problematic. As alternative to a method of an organism physiological condition estimation on set of an heart rate variability (HRV) parameters the methods of the analysis of a heart rhythm diagram (HRD) structural - topological features, incorporated in circle technology of analysis HRD is offered. Instrumental RR-intervals values with constant step of digitization form on HRD the horizontal circles of zero thickness, divided by "empty" between circle intervals that gives dot HRD storey structure. The inform-measuring base circle technologies of HRD analysis were developed. It is shown, that circle technology represents an opportunity of the analysis of topological structure HRD from between circle transitions up to integrated macrostructures of low-frequency signals with a heart rhythm phase-s certification on "working" circles and dynamics between circle transitions. The basic macro- and micro structural - topological parameters of the circle technology analysis are offered. Their communication with parameters of a method of HRV estimation is shown. The comparative analysis of window dynamics of four parameters of the statistical, nonlinear and structural - topological analysis of a heart rhythm has determined, that the greatest sensitivity and specificity an estimation of a heart rhythm changes the circle technologies parameters have. Key words: a heart rhythm diagram (HRD), a "working" circle, storey structure, circle technology of the analysis, structurally topological analysis, between circle transitions.
Pages: 57-64
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