A.М. Appalonov1, Yu.S. Maslennikova2, O.N. Sherstyukov3
1-3 Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Russia)
1 artem309_97@mail.ru; 2 jsmaslennikova@kpfu.ru; 3 Oleg.Sherstyukov@kpfu.ru
Problem Statement. Radio communications, navigation systems, and telecommunications are highly dependent on the state of the ionosphere. One of the key parameters of the ionosphere is its complete electronic content. Changes in the concentration of free electrons affect the passage of radio waves through the ionosphere, therefore, global maps and the analysis of two-dimensional maps of this parameter make it possible to predict the conditions of signal propagation and optimize the operation of various radio electronic systems.
Recently, algorithms based on neural network approaches have become widely used to study various physical processes, as they have a greater generalizing ability than classical linear algorithms, which makes it possible to capture more complex relationships in the source data.
Goal Development of a new method for decomposing global maps of the complete electronic content of the ionosphere using neural networks, additionally comparing the results obtained with data from previous studies.
Results. A new method has been developed for decomposing the spatiotemporal components of ionospheric dynamics using global maps of the full electronic content for the 23rd, 24th, and 25th cycles of solar activity, produced using an autoencoder type neural network. The possibility of compressing the source maps to 10 main components is shown, while preserving 93% of the initial variance. The presence of an equatorial anomaly on the main spatial component of decomposition and the presence of a cyclic component of 25~27 days in the main temporal component is confirmed, which is consistent with the results of previous studies. Additionally, the features of the learning process of a neural network of this type in the context of the task are discussed.
Practical significance. The presented results make it possible to use a hidden representation of an autoencoder type neural network to reduce the data dimension of global maps of the electronic content of the ionosphere, which makes it easier to analyze, as well as use the new representation as data to build a model for predicting the global dynamics of the total electron concentration of the ionosphere.
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P. 172−179. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202501-16 (In Russian)
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