A.V. Luferchik1, D.Yu. Kotsan2, I.E. Burlakov3, N.A. Vorobyov4, Zhanysh Alina5
1,2,4,5 JSC NPP Radiosvyaz (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
3 Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
2 denis.kocan28@gmail.com; 3 burlakovie@kirensky.ru
Until recently, convolutional codes were most often used in modems of satellite communication systems as noise-resistant codes, including in combination with Reed-Solomon codes. Relatively recently, block turbo product codes (TPC) and convolutional turbo codes (TCC), as well as codes with a low density of parity checks (LDPC), have been used. For this standard, the use of powerful low-density error correction (LDPC) codes operating within 1 dB of the Shannon limit was adopted. The article investigates a modem with cascade encoding BCH+LDPC for phase modulation of 8PSK satellite radio channel in the millimeter wave range.
To analyze the noise-resistant coding used in satellite communication networks with cascade coding BCH+LDPC with a wide range of speeds of noise-resistant codes.
The results of modeling a modem with cascaded BCH+LDPC encoding for 8PSK phase modulation and encoding rates of 2/3, 3/4, 3/5, 5/6, 9/10 with a frame length of 64800 bits are presented.
The prospects of using cascade coding BCH+LDPC with a wide range of noise-resistant codes in modems of satellite communication networks are shown.
The research was conducted according to the state assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Siberian Federal University (No. FSRZ-2023-0008).
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