S.N. Boyko1, I.A. Medvedev2, I.M. Trukhachev3
1-3 JSC “Science Research Institute of Space Devices Engineering” (Moscow, Russia)
1 boyko_sn@orkkniikp.ru; 2 medvedev_ia@orkkniikp.ru; 3 trukhachev_im@orkkniikp.ru
Problem definition. Navigation antenna modules are widely used in modern GNSS equipment. At the same time high-precision positioning is required in such areas as geodesy and construction. In order to improve the accuracy characteristics of navigation equipment there are requirements to noise coefficient, phase center stability, bandstop level, backlobes level of radiation pattern and using maximum number of operating frequency bands. These requirements could be fulfilled due to such technical solutions as a wideband ground plane for backlobes rejection, a low-noise amplifier, a wideband antenna with a stable phase center.
Purpose. To propose a realization of navigation antenna module of L1, L2, L3, L5 bands for using in high-precision navigation
Results. The technical solutions used in the development of functional units of the navigation antenna module are demonstrated. A prototype of the navigation antenna module for L1, L2, L3, L5 bands has been produced. The noise coefficient of the prototype does not exceed 3 dB, the phase center stability does not exceed 2.4 mm, the level of the bandout rejection exceeds 40 dB, the level of backlobes rejection reaches 40 dB.
Practical significance. The offered antenna module can be used in the high-precision navigation equipment.
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