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Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2025 г.
Article in number:
Printed quasi-Yagi antenna with the dipole-like driver realized on a base of the sandwich with the hole in its central metallic layer
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202501-10
UDC: 621.396.677

D.A. Bukhtiyarov1, A.P. Gorbachev2, I.I. Pimonov3, N.V. Tarasenko4

1 Scientific Research Institute of Space and Aviation Materials (Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia)

2-4 Novosibirsk State Technical University (Novosibirsk, Russia)

1 ghostandfound@mail.ru; 2 apgor1904@yandex.ru; 3 ilapimonov21@gmail.com; 4 natalyavtarasenko@gmail.com


Dipole director antennas have been serving as sources of linearly polarized radio waves in radio engineering and info-communication systems of various purposes for almost a century. A characteristic feature of such antennas is the use as their elements (exciter, reflector and directors) of ordinal dipoles fed at their centers on closely adjacent terminals. Meanwhile, in 2013, in the Russian Federation, a dipole-type transmitter fed not in its center but at its ends was patented. When using such a radiator as an exciter of printed director antennas, when the reflector and directors are still realized from short-circuited ordinal dipoles, there is a prospect of tangible simplification of realization of supply lines and significant expansion of the nomenclature of counter-phase power dividers used for symmetry in the ratio 1:1. Using the basic principles of the system approach in the design of director antennas to continue the research of their planar designs both to identify the features of the realization and to improve the algorithms for finding the optimal arrangements of the reflector and directors on their positions in the layout scheme of the antenna with a patented type of exciter of dipole type. 

Using the method of induced electromotive forces in each of the stages of formation of the printed layout of a director antenna with a matching-symmetering device with three conductive layers in a sandwich of two dielectric substrates with a hole in the central conductive layer, the radiation characteristics of the prospective antenna are analyzed. It is shown that while preserving the advantages of classical printed director antennas in terms of pattern shape, matching, high polarization linearity, and operating frequency bandwidth, it is possible to increase the number of degrees of freedom in the optimization and tuning of such an antenna. Thus, in the frequency band 2.6…3.0 GHz with a center frequency of 2.8 GHz, acceptable matching (VSWR < 1.5) with a 50-ohm coaxial cable is achieved with an antenna gain of 6.8 dB. The level of cross-polarization radiation in both cross-sectional planes of the main lobe of the radiation pattern does not exceed (-21) dB. In the structure of the assembled printed antenna in the form of a sandwich there are no through metallized holes, which contributes to the growth of production and operational manufacturability of radiating systems with such antennas, including phased antenna arrays with synthetic aperture. The results of preliminary designs also show the suitability of the proposed antenna for suppressing the glare effects of a multi-element array in wider scanning sectors by reducing the area of the common grounded metallization along which the surface transverse quasi-TEM wave can propagate along the array axis. The suppression of blinding effects will also be aided by the fact that the central conductive layer of the circular slot hole sandwich does not have any galvanic connections with any conductive fragments of the antenna topology. It is characterized by what is commonly referred to as a “floating potential” (the corresponding English term is “floating potential”). Such status of conducting fragments of topology is widely used in designs of microwave nodes with full or partial shielding of some conducting fragments (in other words: internal fragments) by others (in other words: external fragments).

Pages: 110-119
For citation

Bukhtiyarov D.A., Gorbachev A.P., Pimonov I.I., Tarasenko N.V. Printed quasi-Yagi antenna with the dipole-like driver realized on a base of the sandwich with the hole in its central metallic layer. Radiotekhnika. 2025. V. 89. № 1. P. 110−119. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202501-09 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 21.10.2024
Approved after review: 06.11.2024
Accepted for publication: 26.12.2024