O.Yu Panishchev1, S.A. Demin2, I.M. Lerner3, R.R. Latypov4
1,2,4 Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Russia)
3 Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev–KAI (Kazan, Russia)
1 opanischev@gmail.com; 2 serge_demin@mail.ru; 3 aviap@mail.ru; 4 rlatmail@gmail.com
Problem Statement. Presently, the radio engineering methods to analyze the electrical biomedical signals is widely applied in modern approaches to diagnosing a wide range of diseases and assessing physiological states. Epilepsy, characterized by sudden onset of convulsive seizures, is one of the most socially significant pathologies of the human central nervous system. There is a problem to accurate epilepsy diagnosing, because such attacks are peculiar to many numbers of pathologies. Deriving the epilepsy diagnostic criteria for the interictal period is one of the relevant objectives. Deriving the epilepsy diagnostic approaches for the interictal period is one of the relevant objectives, because presently there is no the clinically proven methods for this. However, a number of studies indicate that this pathology can be detected by analyzing the interaction of the cerebral cortex areas. In one of the previous papers, the authors have demonstrated the Memory Function Formalism’ capabilities to derive the interictal diagnostic criteria by using electroencephalography, both by analyzing individual signals and by studying their cross-correlations.
Goal Making a new approach to epilepsy diagnosing at the interictal period based on studying the correlation and relaxation characteristics of electroencephalography signals, in addition to the previously authors' findings.
Results. A new diagnostic marker has been introduced based on the relaxation parameter from the memory function formalism for the cross-correlation case. In addition to the previously authors' findings, the derived parameter can discover the diagnostically significant points and the sensor combinations.
Practical significance. A new approach has been obtained to epilepsy diagnosing by analyzing the electroencephalograms.
The work was prepared as part of the implementation of work on priority 2030
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