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Journal Radioengineering №9 for 2024 г.
Article in number:
Investigation of block interleavers in OFDM radio communication systems with convolutional encoding in multipath channels with fast fading
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202409-07
UDC: 621.396.24

K.V. Gorokhov1, A.V. Kolobkov2, D.V. Khiteva3

1-3 JSC “RPC “Polyot” (N. Novgorod, Russia)

1 cgorokhovkv@mail.ru; 2 antvk@mail.ru; 3 geheimberater@yandex.ru


Noise immunity codecs are good at correcting single errors. Group errors often occur in multipath radio channels with fading. Interleaving is used to convert group errors into single errors. Matching the interleaver structure with the signal and code parameters allows the interleaver to work efficiently. Optimization of the interleaver parameters depending on the characteristics of the communication channel increases the efficiency of the interleaver. The purpose of the work is to determine the parameters of block interleavers for an OFDM radio communication system with convolutional coding in conditions of signal scattering in time and frequency. A model of a channel with two beams and Rayleigh fades is considered. The influence of interleaver parameters on the noise immunity of the OFDM radio communication system depending on the channel parameters (fading rate, multipath interval) has been analyzed. Block deterministic and pseudorandom interleavers are considered. With magnification lengths the interleaver increases noise immunity of the communication system. But at the same time, the delay in transmitting the message increases. The optimal length has been determined, providing a compromise between delay and noise immunity. This length is determined depending on the coherence time of the channel. The number of rows of the matrix interleaver is depending on the decoding depth. This is the number of rows provides better noise immunity at optimal length. But sometimes the optimal length is too long. Therefore a function has been introduced that characterizes the minimum distance between bits in the “time-frequency-code” space at the input of the interleaver. The distance between the bits in the time domain is normalized for the coherence time of the channel. The distance between the bits in the frequency domain is calculated as a normalized deviation from the oscillation period in the signal power spectrum at the output of a channel with two beams. The distance between the bits in the “code space” is calculated as the distance normalized the effective decoding depth of the code used. Given the function describes optimal and critical values well parameters of deterministic interleavers of any length. Deterministic interleavers have a higher probability of error per bit than random interleavers. The definition of parameters using the proposed function allows the deterministic interleaver to work with the same low the probability of error per bit as well as random interleavers.

Pages: 78-92
For citation

Gorokhov K.V., Kolobkov A.V., Khiteva D.V. Investigation of block interleavers in OFDM radio communication systems with convolutional encoding in multipath channels with fast fading. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 9. P. 78−92. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202409-07 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 01.07.2024
Approved after review: 18.07.2024
Accepted for publication: 28.08.2024