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Journal Radioengineering №9 for 2024 г.
Article in number:
Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the impact intermittent noise interference to a radar station with adaptive detection threshold formation
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202409-05
UDC: 629.5.052.3

S.K. Turbin1, I.V. Rusakov2

1,2 FSEI of HE "UrFU named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin" (Yekaterinburg, Russia)

1 s.k.turbin@urfu.ru; 2 rusakov.ivan@urfu.me


Problem statement. For aviation suppression equipment, it is characteristic to separate the modes of interference and reconnaissance radiation in time due to the problem of their electromagnetic compatibility. It is also possible to alternately suppress various objects with a limited bandwidth of the interference station. This leads to periodic interruptions of the noise interference and, consequently, a decrease in its spectral density.

A feature of radar stations of the latest and modernized means of intercepting air defense systems aimed at hitting targets in a complex interference environment is adaptive control of parameters and modes of operation of various subsystems. In particular, modern radar stations provide for the adaptive formation of a detection threshold based on estimates of the statistical characteristics of such interference. Such estimates are formed over the interference integration interval, the size of which is generally selected from the condition of insignificant influence of signals reflected from the targets on them. Moreover, for the most correct consideration of the interference situation in the vicinity of the detected target, the strobe pulses of the false alarm probability stabilization circuit, forming the integration interval, are placed on both sides of the analyzed range resolution element.

Goal. To evaluate the effect of intermittent noise interference parameters on the operation of radar stations with adaptive detection threshold foration.

Assumptions. When developing the methodology, the following typical assumptions were made:

in target detection mode, the radar station emits pulse signals with a low or medium pulse repetition rate;

the signal reflected from the target, noise interference and internal noise are independent normal random processes;

interference and internal noise have a uniform spectral density within the bandwidth of the radar receiver;

the receiving path of the radar station has a traditional structure, which includes: an intermediate frequency amplifier, a linear amplitude detector, an integrator and a threshold device.

Results. For the first time, the obtained technique takes into account the influence of time and energy parameters of intermittent noise interference on the probability of correct target detection by a radar station with adaptive detection threshold formation. Reducing the duration of the interference pulse in the period of intermittent noise interference leads to a nonlinear increase in the probability of correct target detection. To maximize this indicator, it is necessary to ensure a sufficiently high accuracy in estimating the statistical characteristics of the power of intermittent noise interference. The reliability of the results obtained using the developed methodology is confirmed by the fact that the effectiveness of intermittent noise interference, while excluding pauses in its radiation, is reduced to the effectiveness of continuous noise interference.

Practical significance. The developed technique makes it possible to clarify the technical requirements for radar stations that implement flexible control of the target detection mode under the influence of intermittent noise interference of unknown intensity.

Pages: 58-66
For citation

Turbin S.K., Rusakov I.V. Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the impact intermittent noise interference to a radar station with adaptive detection threshold formation. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 9. P. 58−66. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202409-05 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 03.06.2024
Approved after review: 05.06.2024
Accepted for publication: 22.08.2024