A.V. Zhuravlev1, V.V. Kiryushkin2, S.I. Babusenko3, M.A. Ivanov4
1-3 JSC RIE “PROTEK” (Voronezh, Russia)
1 protek@protek-vrn.ru; 2 kiryushkin.vlad@mail.ru; 3 serbs@mail.ru
Formulation of the problem. The method of delivering radio jamming transmitters to the area where a radio-electronic device is located, based on dropping transmitters from an unmanned aerial vehicle, is characterized by a number of disadvantages: high complexity of the equipment and, accordingly, the high cost of the UAV; low efficiency of radio interference transmitters in suppressing ground-based radio electronics of satellite radio communication and radio navigation systems.
Purpose. Consider the possibility of increasing the efficiency of radio-electronic suppression of ground-based radio electronics of satellite radio communication and radio navigation systems by autonomous radio jamming transmitters delivered to the work area using UAVs, while reducing the complexity of the equipment and the cost of UAVs - carriers of radio jamming transmitters.
Results. A delivery system for radio interference transmitters is proposed. The system uses an uncontrolled free aerostat (balloon) filled with gas as a UAV. The volume of gas depends on the given flight altitude. The balloon, together with the transmitter and battery, is launched from a starting position placed on the earth's surface, taking into account the known direction of the wind and the known location of the suppressed weapon. The balloon is delivered to the electronic jamming work zone by moving air masses. The calculations showed that the use of the proposed system provides a gain in the required transmitter EIRP of at least 7 dB compared to a ground-based transmitter. To suppress a Starlink user terminal at a range of up to 4 km, a transmitter with an EIRP of no more than 13 dBW (20 W) is required.
Practical significance. The results obtained can be used to increase the efficiency of electronic jamming of ground-based satellite radio communication and radio navigation systems.
Zhuravlev A.V., Kiryushkin V.V., Babusenko S.I., Ivanov M.A. System for delivering radio interference transmitters to receiving devices of ground-based radio electronic means of satellite radio communication and radio navigation systems. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 7. P. 111−116. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202407-20 (In Russian)
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